
The objective of this project is to help create a simple reference implementation for Karaf feature containing common configuration for a few message routes implemented using Camel, Blueprint (for wiring the configuration/bundles) and ActiveMQ Broker. The discussion here to meant for educational purposes only.

Karaf runtime enhanced with Camel/Blueprint/ActiveMQ runs the routes once the developed feature is deployed.

Software Versions:

  1. Karaf version 2.3.1
  2. Camel version 2.10.4
  3. Xml <-> Java using XStream version 1.4.4
  4. ActiveMQ version 5.7.0

Use case:

  1. Retrieve request for quote for certain categories of books.
  2. Tiered pricing based on volume purchase
  3. The aggregated response contains the price per category of books

Sample Request:

<rfq version="1.0.0">
		<item type="FICTION">
		<item type="DRAMA">

Expected Response:

<rfq version="1.0.0">
		<item type="FICTION">
		<item type="DRAMA">

The project uses split, content based routing, aggregation EIPs.

This is a multi-module Maven project.

* integration-root
	* parent-pom			# contains project specific properties
	* configuration-feature	# exposes settings to be imported by the routes per environment (DEV,SIT,PROD)
	* routes/handle-rfq		# camel routes	
	* feature				# karaf feature that ties configuration & route bundles together to be deployed

Unit tests verify the routes and use EasyMock to simulate exception scenarios.

To Do:

Write Usage instructions and video demonstrating how to run the Camel Routes in Karaf