
This repo contains both Maximum Entropy and Bi-LSTM + CRF algorithm for pos tagging task. In order to run the experiment please follow how to install and how to run sections


The data is for Indonesian corpus that can be accessed and downloaded at Within this repo, the data have been separated into training and testing data, both of which are ready to be used.

How to Install

All of these experiments was done in python 3.6. Install the dependencies:

  1. pytorch==0.4.0
  2. nltk==3.2.5
  3. git+
  4. git+
  5. numpy==1.14.3
  6. sklearn==0.19.1
  7. pytorch-crf==0.5.0

For mac user, follow these steps to install megam as one of the requirements for running the maxent algorithm

  1. brew tap brewsci/science
  2. brew install megam

For linux user, please follow the instructions on

How to Run

MaxEnt Algorithm

  1. Go to maxent
  2. Execute python
  3. Use python --help to see available options for feature_function_fn

Deep Learning Algorithm

  1. Go to deep-learning
  2. Run python