
This is a telegram bot for removing all messages in group/chat

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a telegram bot for removing all messages in group/chat.


For group, Chat History For New Members setting must configure to Visible at the begining of group conversation starts. Otherwise the bot cannot obtain chat history and there is no way to delete them. If the setting switch to Visible at the middle of conversation, the bot can only remove messages after this setting switched.

Please test before use, if you are having sensitive conversation :)

Bot Setup

  1. Register a bot in telegram https://core.telegram.org/bots#6-botfather
  2. Obtain token from Bot Father
  3. npm install
  4. BOT_TOKEN=XXXXX node bot.js

Clear all messages

  1. Invite your bot to group/chat
  2. Add the bot as admin with all permissions
  3. Type and send /deleteAll in your group/chat