
RSS Feed Agreggator Development


FeedMalaya is a social feed aggregator using FuelPHP, SimplePie and MySQL database.


  • PHP 5.3.2
  • MySQL 5
  • Any web server


  • Mior Muhammad Zaki (Lead Developer)
  • Hizam Mohd (Developer)
  • Mohd Huzairy (Designer)

You can apply to be come a contributor by leaving a Twitter Direct Message to @feedmalaya or by forking the repository and send a pull request for any of code contribution you have done.


Installation is promptly simple, all you need to do is clone/fork the project using Mercurial. On your local environment run this command.

  • php oil r install
  • php oil r migrate
  • Rename file fuel/app/config/db.php.example to db.php and configure your database (contributor by default should use 'dev' environment)