
Akvaplan-niva DOI register

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Akvaplan-niva DOIs

This git repository contains metadata for Akvaplan-niva publications with a DOI.


The Deno Deploy service https://dois.deno.dev/ is connected to main on this repository and is the data source of https://akvaplan.no/en/publications


The metadata is collected by an automated pipeline and stored as NDJSON in the slim directory.

The pipeline finds Akvaplan-niva publications in Crossref, CRISTIN, and OpenAlex.


Run pipeline


Add DOIs (to local disk)

Manually add DOIs by adding/editing a NDJSON file in doi/*/*.ndjson and run pipeline.

Update service data

Inspect and push approved changes in slim/*.ndjson.

Update the KV store in the data service:

$ curl --netrc -XPOST https://dois.deno.dev/ingest

Pipeline details

The DOI pipeline consists of the following steps:

1. Create DOI list

First, create list of unique DOIs

  • Extract DOIs from raw text references
  • Find DOIs in Crossref, CRISTIN, and OpenAlex
  • Add these into the NDJSON-formatted DOIs in doi
  • De-deplicate the DOIs

(The raw text references were augmented with DOIs from Crossref's SimpleTextQuery, when missing in in the original source.)

2. Fetch metadata

For each DOI

Notice: The pipeline aggressively caches all HTTP responses, calling the APIs just once per DOI across all invocations. On linux, the cache is located in $HOME/.cache/deno/https/api.*.org.

3. Create slim metadata product


  • Add PDF URL to slim metadata
  • Partition slim metadata, creating one file per year in slim
  • Show summary counts
  • Verify SHA checksums


Deno and newline command line tools.