- 0
Show no of records
#1355 opened by arwebit - 0
Smart table not installing
#1354 opened by arwebcs - 0
- 0
Scrolling the page up when clicked on next page
#1358 opened by HimanshuMahto - 0
- 1
How can I get the index of current page
#1332 opened by SkanderLassoued09 - 0
Multiple Modals
#1353 opened by pravinEco - 2
Support for Angular 17.x
#1351 opened by cgcdoss - 0
Support for Angular 17.x
#1350 opened by osantelices - 0
Is there a way to combine AND and OR operators in the setFilter function?
#1348 opened by iliasmoysidis - 0
Support for Angular 15.x
#1347 opened by akashkriplani - 0
I am using ng2 smart table library ad when i clicked on edit than one column is editable rest column is not editable. before click on the edit button data is displayed in the all columns but after click on that some column fields are empty. How can I resolve this issue in ng2 smart table. I am sharing my angular code.
#1346 opened by SDE-Manvendra - 0
- 2
Table not work when I refresh page
#1337 opened by shaimaaezo - 15
I made a fork that will be updated
#1292 opened by dj-fiorex - 1
How to get the row element?
#1343 opened by luizhrios - 0
How to add CSS class to ng2-smart-table <td> ?
#1342 opened by manishscispl - 1
Column list elements are not visible
#1336 opened by bfarkash91 - 2
Table distorted when there are no records in search
#1283 opened by samir-kamble - 0
Any way to send some data to custom filter component?
#1322 opened by shreyshahh - 1
Is it possible create a custom list filter of a column in my smart table?
#1340 opened by pj-alvarado10 - 0
valuePrepareFunction not parsing JSON on EDIT
#1330 opened by thapliyalmanoj - 0
Access to Documentation for Old versions
#1329 opened by tusharsrivastava - 0
Allow providing static row classes
#1326 opened by nikita-fuchs - 2
Issue while using in Angular 14
#1325 opened by newETA - 0
- 0
How to Make table scrollable vertically (left to right) if we are using n2-smart-table?
#1323 opened by Manishac12 - 1
Does 'hide' for column work dynamically?
#1311 opened by dextersy - 0
ServerDataSource: API error Handling
#1321 opened by fraazalam - 1
- 1
Action button broken css
#1312 opened by iKonstX - 0
How to add custom icon/css dynamically in ng-smart-table
#1273 opened by Midovsky - 0
ng2 smart table display 1-10 from rows count
#1317 opened by HamdiL - 0
- 1
Filter does not working!!!
#1309 opened by iagoshavidze1 - 5
Angular 13 support
#1285 opened by DanialV - 4
cannot change table style
#1284 opened by v1shaL-b - 1
- 1
Prevent page jump when refreshing table data
#1296 opened by christomorrow - 0
- 1
[Feature request]: Typing Enhancement
#1295 opened by tawfiek - 1
having some problems with the crud of ng2-smart-table
#1282 opened by DiegoThonC - 5
how to add a link in cell of smart table
#1263 opened by zeinebKH - 0
Update more then one time problem
#1289 opened by fnoomen - 1
Ng2-smart-table selectText issue in editor-config for dropdown (Add,Edit)
#1279 opened by vikkikrishna - 0
- 0
Update Documentation
#1277 opened by AlexsonSP - 0
Filtering Smart Table automatically sets class "selected" on First Row - How to Remove the Class?
#1272 opened by lenichols - 0
- 0
Can't push fix to new release branch
#1262 opened by archi332