Voting System using Block-Chain

A user can cast his vote by visiting this web platform. For web server scripting we have used python based web framework Django.

How to run

  1. Make sure you are connected to the internet.
  2. Install all the (pip) dependency packages (main packages are listed in requirements.txt).
  3. Locate EMAIL_ADDRESS and EMAIL_PASSWORD variable in Election/ file and assign your valid credentials. (See References)
  4. Make sure email sending is allowed (while development process sending email every time is not a good idea because API allows us to send email only for limited no. of times.).

​ For this make sure send_otp() method in file looks like this:

[success, result] = send_email_otp(email_input)
# [success, result] = [True, '0']

​ and get_parties() method in same file ( looks like this:

send_email_private_key(request.session['email-id'], private_key)
# print(private_key)
  1. Locate file and run python runserver in the same directory.

  2. Locate the URL provided in the terminal and access that. by default it is
