
prolog-parser is a recursive-descent parser (syntax analyzer and lexical analyzer) for a simplified version of prolog, it determines whether a given prolog program is correct, or whether it contains errors.
The simplified grammar is shown below

Grammar in BNF (Backus-Naur Form)

  • <program> -> <clause-list> <query> | <query>
  • <clause-list> -> <clause> | <clause> <clause-list>
  • <clause> -> <predicate> . | <predicate> :- <predicate-list> .
  • <query> -> ?- <predicate-list> .
  • <predicate-list> -> <predicate> | <predicate> , <predicate-list>
  • <predicate> -> <atom> | <atom> ( <term-list> )
  • <term-list> -> <term> | <term> , <term-list>
  • <term> -> <atom> | <variable> | <structure> | <numeral>
  • <structure> -> <atom> ( <term-list> )
  • <atom> -> <small-atom> | ' <string> '
  • <small-atom> -> <lowercase-char> | <lowercase-char> <character-list>
  • <variable> -> <uppercase-char> | <uppercase-char> <character-list>
  • <character-list> -> <alphanumeric> | <alphanumeric> <character-list>
  • <alphanumeric> -> <lowercase-char> | <uppercase-char> | <digit>
  • <lowercase-char> -> a | b | c | ... | x | y | z
  • <uppercase-char> -> A | B | C | ... | X | Y | Z | _
  • <numeral> -> <digit> | <digit> <numeral>
  • <digit> -> 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
  • <string> -> <character> | <character> <string>
  • <character> -> <alphanumeric> | <special>
  • <special> -> + | - | * | / | \ | ^ | ~ | : | . | ? | | # | $ | &


Input: Code Files to be parsed must be in the same directory named "1.txt", "2.txt".. (any number of files)
Output: Output of the parser will be in a text file called parser_output.txt


This has been developed by myself Ak, Yasir , and Muath as part of our Programming Languages Course Project for Fall 2023