
A transformice server for the popular web browser game Transformice (version 1.373) 2017

Primary LanguagePython


A transformice server for the popular web browser game Transformice (version 1.373) 2017

How to set up.

Windows Local host:

  1. Download all from "Install".
  2. Download XAMPP and put all files from htdocs, into C:/xampp/htdocs.
  3. Start Source.py, with python idle.
  4. Start XAMPP Control apache.
  5. Go to localhost in browser. and Play

Linux VPS:

  1. Download Python2.7 (sudo apt-get install python2.7)
  2. Download all dependenices (sudo apt-get install python-pip)
  3. Download all python dependencies (pip install twisted, pip install zope.interface, pip install psutil)
  4. Download Apache2.
  5. Go to Server folder and start python file with "python ./Source.py"


Says Unable to connect to server:


Download yogda. Edit the .swf file (inside of htdocs) Go to search and find

Change it, to whatever your servers ip address is.


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