
Primary LanguagePython


Vincent Kubota, Yeshi, Chris Sakae

📝 Description

ASTRA is a marketplace for affordable and exciting space travel! Here you can find and plan a unique trip to various destinations and enjoy a multitude of experiences in space. If you want Pluto... WE GOT IT!!!

📸 Screenshots

Home Page

Sign Up


Package List

Order History


Review Details

💻 Technologies Used

Python Django JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 Trello Heroku Canva Git Github VSCode

🔥 Getting Started

Sign Up 1. Click on the "Sign Up/Login" Link in the navigation bar. 2. Sign in with your username and password.
View Packages 1. Search a destination or experience or click on an experience or destination. 2. Choose a departure date. 3. Choose available package. 4. Select amount of tickets. 5. Click purchase tickets.
Trello Board https://trello.com/b/3dJKiPgs/project-astra
Deployed Link (Heroku) https://astra-100-1741e87c1ee3.herokuapp.com/

📡 Upcoming Features

  • [::] NASA API for images and videos.

  • [::] Stripe API for payment.

  • [::] Discount for multi ticket purchase.

  • [::] HTMX implementation.

  • [::] More CSS polish for app.