Plugin that allows custom components inside markdown. Supports markdown as children.
npm install --save gatsby-custom-md
This plugin is created for use with gatsby. It requires the htmlAst
form graphql query.
Import the plugin
import MD from "gatsby-custom-md"
Import the components to be added, and add them to an object.
import { Component1, Component2, ComponentN } from './file'
const components = {
comp1: Component1,
comp2: Component2,
compN: ComponentN
Now render it.
// data.markdownRemark.htmlAst is received from graphql query.
<MD components={components} htmlAst={data.markdownRemark.htmlAst}/>
Now in the markdown file, you can use the components as follows.
# Title
This is first component
**Markdown is supported inside it.**
Second Component
Example usage for grid creation.
import MD from "gatsby-custom-md";
import { Row, Col } from "./grid";
let components = {
row: Row,
col: Col
export default function({ data }) {
return (
<MD components={components} htmlAst={data.markdownRemark.htmlAst} />
export const query = graphql`
query($slug: String!) {
markdownRemark(fields: { slug: { eq: $slug } }) {
import React from "react";
export const Row = ({ children })=> {
return (
<div className="row">
export const Col = ({ children })=>{
return (
<div className="col">
- This still requires a lot of testing. I have tested with most possbilities however there may still be bugs.
- This is for Layout designing only.
cannot be used to create components. Attributes are not allowed. (This maybe added in a new version). Attributes can now be added to shortcodes, they are available asattrs
props to the component.