
vim plugin for c++

Primary LanguagePython

Cppenv: complete vim environment for coding C++


I'm aim at making coding in C++ fast, fluent, and correct, so I choose vim as my editor because its shortcut keys often only require single press. However, I want more...

This project has two parts:

  • Complete vim environment installer.
  • Vim plugin for coding C++

Vim environment includes some tools below:

  • g++
  • git
  • cmake
  • python2

and some plugins below:

  • Vundle
  • YouCompleteMe
  • NerdTree
  • Airline
  • taglist
  • vim-snippet

You can run the script autoconf/install to install all of the vim environment I provide. It will automatically install all of the tools and plugins above. If you are in China, it takes only 4 minutes.


If you want use the complete cppenv, please follow the instruction below:

  1. clone this git repository
  2. change work directory to autoconf and run script ./install with the user that you coding with
  3. wait about 4 minutes

The script will install _vimrc, .ycm_extra_conf.py and other plugins in ~/.vim.

But, if you want use the plugin cppenv only, you can install cppenv to you vim runtime path. And add code execute cppenv#infect() into your .vimrc when open c++ code files. Look likes:

  • au BufNewFile,BufRead *.h,*.hpp,*.inl,*.ipp,*.cpp,*.c,*.cc,*.go execute cppenv#infect()


cppenv provides some simple auto complete. And others, supported by YouCompleteMe.

Auto complete brackets: This feature supports class, struct, union, function, lambda and C++ coroutine lambda. The C++ coroutine lambda refers to https://github.com/yyzybb537/cpp_features


Auto complete class-methods definitions: This feature supports all of combination class and method types below:

  • normal class
  • template class


  • normal method
  • template method
  • static method
  • static template method


Jump File

cppenv provides some shortcut keys for jump between c/c++ header file and c/c++ source file.

  • gs
  • gns
  • gS
  • gvs
  • gvns

Use gs can jump between header and source if there were in a same folder. If the two files have the same parent folder, you can use gns to jump between there. If the two files were not in a same folder and have not the same parent folder, the gs cannot work, here, you can use gS. gS will use locate command to find the files in all of your file-system, and show the results in quickfix window when the results more than one.

gvs, gvns are as same as gs, gns nearly. Difference was the shortcut key including v will split the window vertical, and show the other file buffer on right.

Vim environment

If you install the complete vim environment, the _vimrc taken effect. It will give you a lot of shortcut key to boost your coding efficiency.


YouCompleteMe provides syntax complete and check.

YouCompleteMe GIF demo

NerdTree provides show the files tree.


TagList provides show the functions in current file.



I used ; as the vim leader charactor, so seted below:

  • ;b jump to begin of line. as ^

  • ;e jump to end of line. as $

  • ;w save to file. as :w

  • ;q quit the buffer. as :quit

  • ;Q quit the vim. as :quitall

  • ;hw jump to left window. as <C-w>h

  • ;jw jump to under window. as <C-w>j

  • ;kw jump to over window. as <C-w>k

  • ;lw jump to right window. as <C-w>l

  • ;/ cancel highlight. as :nohls<CR>

  • ; as ", e.g. you can use ;ay to copy selection into a register, and use ;ap to paste a register words into cursor position.

  • F3 toggle the NerdTree window, show the files tree.

  • F4 static syntax check current source file.


  • gy jump to the word on the cursor definition or declaration. as call the YCM method GoToDefinitionElseDeclaration.
  • gY show the word on the cursor definition or declaration on right window.
  • gl jump to last buffer. as :b#<CR>
  • gL jump to last buffer and show current buffer on right window


  • <C-h> jump to previous tabpage. as :tabprevious<CR>
  • <C-l> jump to next tabpage. as :tabnext<CR>

Build and Run

  • F7 build current file, output out.exe
  • F5 build and run. output out.exe
  • F8 build and run with libboost. output out.exe

Complete By Snippet

  • <C-j> trigge the snippet.

Support snippet trigger list below:

  • time the output for e.g: 2015-11-20 23:56:18

  • date output for e.g: 2015-11-20

  • namespace <name>



      namespace ucorf


      namespace ucorf
      } //namespace ucorf
  • GNU License <name> Make gnu license copyright header in source file.


  • def <class name> First, you must save your class definition. Then, input def <class name>, will output all method definitions of the class.