
an application that displays the forks of the repository entered in the search bar in a tabular form (for input, the repository name is used as: owner /: repositoryName).


  1. The project is laid out on github
  2. Published on Heroku
  3. The project must use react, redux using typescript
  4. Don’t use any external libraries like UI or anything like that. “Just use react in the UI”
  5. The application should consist of the following screens: a. the main screen with a welcome screen and an input field for the search bar, b. a search results screen with a similar search bar. c. The favorites page that display all my current session favorites only
  6. The following columns should be displayed in the table - full name of the repository, owner, number of stars, link to the fork repository and button to add this fork to favorite.
  7. I must have a navigation bar to home and favorites pages.
  8. Table must have paging.

Heroku Link



npm install
npm start