
Timetravel for neovim

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Tardis allows you to travel in time (git history) scrolling through each revision of your current file.

Inspired by git-timemachine <https://github.com/emacsmirror/git-timemachine>__ which I used extensively when I was using emacs.


Like with any other

       dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' },
       config = true,

The default options are

    require('tardis-nvim').setup {
        keymap = {
            ["next"] = '<C-j>',             -- next entry in log (older)
            ["prev"] = '<C-k>',             -- previous entry in log (newer)
            ["quit"] = 'q',                 -- quit all
            ["revision_message"] = '<C-m>', -- show revision message for current revision
            ["move_message"] = '<C-a>',     -- move the revision info window to SE or NE
            ['lock_diff_base'] = '<C-l>',   -- lock/unlock the diff base to current
            ['toggle_diff'] = '<C-i>',      -- toggle diff view
            ['toggle_split'] = '<C-s>',     -- toggle the diff split
            ['telescope'] = '<C-t>',        -- open telescope picker to go to revision
            ['keyhints'] = '<C-/>',         -- open floating window with keymap hints
        initial_revisions = 10,             -- initial revisions to create buffers for
        max_revisions = 256,                -- max number of revisions to load

        diff_split = false,                 -- open diff in a split window
        diff_base = "",                     -- diff base revision to use when diffing
                                            -- (empty string means the parent of the current revision)

        info = {
            on_launch = true,               -- show info on Tardis launch
            split = false,                  -- open info in a split instead of float
            height = 10,                    -- height of the info window
            width = 82,                     -- width of the info window (float only)
            border = 'single',              -- border of the info window

            -- Float options
            position = 'SE',                -- position of info relative to window
            x_off = 0,                      -- offset of row
            y_off = -1,                     -- offset or column

        -- any opts valid for telescope.builtin.git_bcommits
        telescope = {
            delta = true,                   -- use delta as the preview pager

        keyhints = {
            on_launch = true,               -- show keymap hints on Tardis launch


Using tardis is pretty simple


This puts you into a new buffer where you can use the keymaps, like described above, to navigate the revisions of the currently open file

Override your configuration's diff base with the diff_base option in a tardis.tardis call.

   require('tardis-nvim').tardis {
       diff_base = "HEAD~2"  -- e.g. would override `""` in the setup

Telescope Integration

keymap.telescope opens a telescope picker that shows the revisions of the current file plus a preview of the diff. Make giant leaps through history!

The following mappings (along with your defaults) are available in the telescope picker:

  • <CR> changes the current revision to the selection and sets its diff base to the previous commit.

  • <C-CR> changes the diff base to the selection and locks it, without changing the current revision to diff against. The diff base is 'locked', so cycling through revisions with keymap.next and keymap.prev will always diff against the locked base. Unlock with keymap.lock_diff_base.

  • keymap.telescope closes the picker

Known issues

See |issues|


Go ahead :)