
SharpSnmpLib Wrapper for PowerShell

Primary LanguagePowerShell


SharpSnmpLib Wrapper for PowerShell

This module was written because any other implementation of #SNMP in PoSh just sucks.

Use Get-SharpSnmp and Get-SharpSnmpWalk for simple requests (parameters are self-explanatory).

If you want to get a MIB table (SEQUENCE OF something) use Get-SharpSnmpTable.

Get* functions support direct specification of the SNMP agent address, community, port and version (fine for calling one device), but also support AgentObject which is useful if you have more than one SNMP device to query against.

AgentObject can be just a hashtable with all parameters:

    Agent = ''
    Community = 'SecureCommunity'
    Port = 161
    Version = 'V2'
    } | Get-SharpSnmp -OID .

Or a just necessary fields if you still on a public community and 161 port, but should be passed through the help function New-SharpSnmpAgent

    Agent = ''
    Community = 'SecureCommunity'
    } | New-SharpSnmpAgent |  Get-SharpSnmp -OID .

Or batch create the multiple objects if all parameters are the same:

$Devices = '','' | New-SharpSnmpAgent -Community 'SecureCommunity'
$Devices | Get-SharpSnmp -OID .

If you are storing your agent configuration in CSV file, you can just pipe it to New-SharpSnmpAgent, example CSV:

"";"SecureCommunity";"PowerConnect 5548";"V2";"161"
"";"SecureCommunity";"PowerConnect 8024F";"V2";"161"
"";"SecureCommunity";"Main Cisco Router";"V2";"161"

Loading this CSV:

$csvPath = 'C:\Shares\Scripts\SourceData\SNMP-Devices.csv'
$snmpDevices = ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ';' -InputObject (Get-Content $csvpath) | New-SharpSnmpAgent

And just pass the the object to the Get-* functions:

$snmpDevices | Get-SharpSnmp -OID .
Get-SharpSnmp -OID . -AgentObject $snmpDevices

Before using this module in actual script, you need to load #SNMP .dll:


If you need to workaround the "truncation error for 32-bit integer coding" bug, use [Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Messaging.Messenger]::UseFullRange = $false before accesing agent.