gRPC server component for Kaldi based ASR.
Key Features:
- Multithreaded gRPC server.
- Supports bi-directional streaming recognition.
- Thread-safe concurrent queue to process each audio stream separately.
- N-best alternatives with LM and AM costs.
- Word level timing and confidence scores.
Make sure you have gRPC, protobuf and Boost C++ libraries installed on your system. Kaldi also needs to be present and built. Let's build the server:
make KALDI_ROOT=/path/to/local/repo/for/kaldi/ -j8
Run make clean
to clear old build files.
For running the server, you need to first specify model config in a toml which
tells the program which models to load, where to look for etc. Structure of
file is specified in a sample in
# Make sure to have kaldi and openfst library available using LD_LIBRARY_PATH or something
# e.g. env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../asr/kaldi/tools/openfst/lib/:../../asr/kaldi/src/lib/ ./build/kaldi_serve_app
# Alternatively, you can also put all the required .so files in the ./lib/ directory since
# that is added to the binary's rpath.
./build/kaldi_serve_app --help
Kaldi gRPC server
Usage: ./build/kaldi_serve_app [OPTIONS] model_spec_toml
model_spec_toml TEXT:FILE REQUIRED
Path to toml specifying models to load
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-v,--version Show program version and exit
For simple microphone testing, you can do something like the following (needs evans installed):
audio_bytes=$(arecord -f S16_LE -d 5 -r 8000 -c 1 | base64 -w0) # Recording 5 seconds of audio
echo "{\"audio\": {\"content\": \"$audio_bytes\"}, \"config\": {\"max_alternatives\": 2, \"model\": \"general\", \"language_code\": \"hi\"} }" | evans --package kaldi_serve --service KaldiServe ./protos/kaldi_serve.proto --call Recognize --port 5016 | jq
The output structure looks like the following:
"results": [
"alternatives": [
"transcript": "हेलो दुनिया",
"confidence": 0.95897794,
"amScore": -374.5963,
"lmScore": 131.33058
"transcript": "हैलो दुनिया",
"confidence": 0.95882875,
"amScore": -372.76187,
"lmScore": 131.84035
A Python client is also present in python directory with a few example scripts.
We perform load testing using ghz which is a gRPC benchmarking and load testing tool. You can use the following command template:
ghz \
--insecure \
--proto ./protos/kaldi_serve.proto \
--call kaldi_serve.KaldiServe.StreamingRecognize \
--cpus [NUM CORES] \
-d "[{\"audio\": {\"content\": \"$chunk1\"}, \"config\": {\"max_alternatives\": [N_BEST], \"language_code\": \"[LANGUUAGE]\", \"model\": \"[MODEL]\"}}, ...more chunks]" \