
Flask, Vue JS, Axios, API, Boilerplate

Primary LanguageHTML

Flask, Vue JS, Axios, API, Boilerplate


This boilerplate code uses Flask, Vue JS, Axios, and the Advice API. You can use Jinja2 with Vue JS to show data on your HTML pages. The Advice API gives new advice.


Vue JS users: Instead of using {{ data }} to display data use [[ data ]].

Imade of website

Programming Stack:

  • Languages Used: Python and Vue JS.

  • Python Packages Used: Flask.

  • JavaScript Libraries Used: Axios.

  • API's Used: Advice API.

How To Run Locally:

  • Install: Python 3.

  • Run: "pip install virtualenv".

  • Run: "virtualenv venv".

  • Run: "source venv/bin/activate".

  • Run: "pip install -r requirements.txt".

  • Run: "python3 manage.py".