
basic tutorial web application to track your expenses

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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				|		README			|
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This is a basic expenses tracker app, with the following features:
1. Allows users to sign up, and login to this application.
2. Add and manage expenses.
3. Filter expenses.
4. Make small analysis on their expenses.
5. User roles - regular, and admin. 

It is implemented using the MEAN stack: 
1. MongoDb - NoSQL db
2. Express - Server
3. Angular - Frontend framework
4. Node

Authentication is implemented using json web tokens. 


In your shell/cmd prompt:
	npm install
	cd ./public
	npm install bower
	bower update
	cd ..

Now, browse to:

To create a admin user, in your terminal, browse to project folder: ($USERNAME : make admin)
	use track-expenses
	db.users.find() // $USERNAME is the username who will be given admin privileges
	db.users.update({username: $USERNAME}, {$set:{realm: "1"}})