
Minimal code to write "Hellorld" to the VFD

Primary LanguageAssemblyMIT LicenseMIT


Minimal Z80 assembly to write HELLORLD* on the VFD of a Verifone Tranz 330 credit card terminal

The Tranz 330 is a Zilog Z80 based credit card terminal that uses standard Z80 peripherals and is very hacker friendly. As of 2023 these are still plentiful and cheap on the used market.

* not Hellorld! because the 14 segment VFD can't print exclamation points or lowercase



  • export ZASM_PATH=/path/to/zasm/tree
  • make


  • Make sure Makefile "ROM_IC" is the right type for your EPROM or flash
  • If using an EPROM, "make burn", and if using flash, "make flash"
  • Install ROM
  • Power it up