German System Survival Handbook

Survive german bureaucratic nightmares - WORK IN PROGRESS

General advisories

  • always make copies
  • always use save ways to send your stuff (see postal system)
  • always request signed confirmations (for literally everything!)
  • without a hansigned signature everything is legally invalid
  • don´t make contracts over phone/by mail
  • always cross out blank forms because they could filled out afterwards

keep in mind that german authorities will treat you like you don't know anything. so before you will appear on any appointment or answer on any mail/letter get into some german law. there are some good laws protecting you from doing shit they want you to or data they want. it is always a good idea to research online for some tips or ask in special telegram groups for example. in difficult cases always try to get into third-party organisations (plenty of consumer protection ngo´s out there) or get a lawyer specialized for your topic.

Dealing with police

  • First simple rule ever keep in mind: DON´T TALK TO POLICE! - You only have to pass your ID and confirm your name, birthdate, address by law.
  • Police is not your friend. Don´t ever talk to them without a lawyer - Only talk when you getting forced by law - also than: NOT WITHOUT LAWYER!
  • Always raise an objection to everything they want to do - they have to note that und you have to sign it!
  • Take a look at forms they will fill out and cross out the ones where you did not answer because they can fill it out afterwards.
  • Remember: They will always ask you if they can search you or make a drug/alcohol test - when you refuse they will use the refusal as further argument for a search/test ("suspected crime").

Traffic control

  • Police can only do ONE test: drug or alcohol - when they ask if you consumed something: always say that you drank one beer a while ago
  • Put your first-aid-kit in the front and not in the trunk. When they want to see it and you open the trunk they will search it!
  • They dont have the right to search your car/trunk without a warrant!
  • They dont have the right to search your passengers bags - except they are in the trunk.

Search warrant


  • In germany a smartphone is a mean of crime and not a simple evidence because they assume that if you do crime with others that you communicate together and organise the crime by this communication.
  • They will ALWAYS look for your smartphone when the assume that you are a perpetrator (of a crime took place in the nearby).
  • Take a "fake" smartphone with you when you try to do silly stuff - no old nokia brick! cops are not so stupid as we think, today everyone got a smartphone and nobody uses ancient tech.

Data request

You can make a request about your data stored at german security authorities (like active criminal records) with the following online generator:

Dealing with Jobcenter/Arbeitsamt

Using the postal system

Sending important letters - Insured shipping

  • insured shipping to authorities does not work - does not protect you from that your letter is getting lost or the recipient says that you haven´t sending anything
  • also this so called "Einschreiben" (registered letter) is shit and does not work
  • drop your stuff directly into the letter box and make a photo of that process
  • more special is that you write on top "Boteneinwurf" and send someone else (a witness can be every other person) who puts the letter into the box - before dropping in he/she has to make a photo of it with recipient visible!

Sending letters for free

Instead of a stamp you can write in the upper right corner of your letter "Porto zahlt Empfänger" (recipient pays postage). German authorities have to accept every letter from citizens so they have to pay to get yours from the postman.

Can´t afford a lawyer?

In germany every citizen has the right to get a lawyer. There are state-lawyers who can represent you in court. There is a special law for people with low income or getting Arbeitslosengeld where you can request a lawyer of your choice and the authorities are paying that case for you (only 1 case!).

Financial demands

How much money should i pay?

  • ALWAYS pay demands before it´s getting worse! Authorities (and others) demand more fines for every demand they are sending and so on.
  • Take a look into the german catalog of fines (demands from authorities based on laws) or ask a lawyer.
  • If you think "the demand is not fair" - PAY FIRST and afterwards look into catalog of fines and/or get a lawyer!

Payment plans

It is your right that you don´t have to pay demands in once. So you can request a payment plan which differs on your income.

How much money should i demand?

Always make higher demands as your normal calculation because most authorities, companies or organisations will try to lower the demand by their lawyers or insurances. Keeping this in mind that this will ALWAYS happen (except there is a law which declares the amount beeing payed) double your demand!


Everthing is taxed in germany. You can get money back from the financial authority once a year. Just use to make you tax declaration. When you don´t have a (very) high income or property you mostly get some taxmoney back (because taxation is like flat-rated and most people pay too much taxes compared to income).