
InnoClubs proj repository

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a project for Fundamentals of Software Engineering course in Innopolis University.

Table of Contents

  1. Idea and purpose
  2. Implementation and stack of technologies
  3. Project timeline
  4. Expected outcome
  5. What is done?
  6. Contacts
  7. WebSite

Idea and purpose

Goal of this website – comfortable and useful way to work with student clubs. In this project students can lead their clubs, create an events and request attendance. Previosly it was done via telegram groups(for notifications about events, chatting with club members) and innopolis.app(or google spreadsheets,some notes) for attendance check. It was not convenient for clubs, and our project should solve previous problems.

Implementation and stack of technologies

Project will be done as a website.

On the front-end we have HTML, CSS, React.js, Bootstrap.

On the back-end we have Node.js, Firebase, Heroku.

Project timeline

Start: 24 August, 2020. End: 23 November, 2020.

Expected outcome


Well-functionig website with authorization via Innopolis University account. Clubs, clubs customization, creating events inside of them, notifications about events, checking atendance, joining in clubs.


Built-in competition mangement tool, messaging, customized permissions inside of clubs.

What is done

  1. Clubs – clubs can be created.
  2. Back-end for club customization.
  3. Attendance check.
  4. Authentication – done with custom accounts due to inability to connect with University accounts this time.


You can contact us on Telegram: @aladdinych @afonyaaw @asleepann @denislamovarthur @Ziucay


The website is temporarily available here: https://innoclubs.herokuapp.com

It may change later. If so, we'll update the link here.