Test'N'Groove Test'N'Groove (read as in Test and Groove) is the integration of Groovy (http://groovy.codehaus.org) and TestNG (http://testng.org). This enables writting TestNG test directly in Groovy scripting language. Note: starting with revision 5068 (2007-02-15), Groovy has full support for annotation usage. Considering this, an integration with TestNG was imminent, so here it is. == INSTALLATION == If you got your Test'N'Groove binary distribution all you need to do is unarchieve it on your Groovy install directory. The installation will create batch files in the bin folder: groovyng and the necessary jars in the lib dir. == BUILD == Use Ant to build the distribution (the default Ant target). The only requirement is to create a local.build.properties containing the property groovy.jar pointing to a valid groovy jar. == RUNNING == Running TestNG enabled Groovy scripts mean only passing them to the groovyng: groovyt myscript.groovy This module supports all TestNG command line options, the only requirement being that any options must be provided prior to the scripts to be run: groovyt [OPTIONS] scripts... By default Test'N'Groove auto-import TestNG annotations and the org.testng.Assert class so you don't need to worry about these. For detailed documentation please consult TestNG site: http://testng.org We also include an Ant task. Here is an example: <target name="test"> <taskdef resource="testngroovetasks" classpathref="CPREF" /> <groovyt haltonfailure="true"> <scriptfileset dir="d:/workspace/java/cvsprojects/svn/groovywork/testng" includes="*.groovy" /> <classpath> <!-- classpath --> </classpath> </groovyt> </target> where CPREF must be a path including the TestNG jar and Test'N'Groove jar. == WARNING == The current Groovy build has dependencies against xerces and xml-apis jars. However, when running on top of a JVM newer than 1.4, which is however required by Test'N'Groove, these are already available in JDK, so please make sure you don't have them in your <GROOVY_INSTALL_DIR>/lib folder, otherwise you may see some ugly stacktraces :-). == MORE == A project was set on Google Code to allow access to downloads and the small available documentation: http://code.google.com/p/testngroove Enjoy Test'N'Groove!