Cloud Native Garage Method Boot Camp


Here's the standard schedule

Day 1

  1. Introductions
  2. Design Thinking
  3. Install Fest (Mac, Windows)

Self-paced work

If you are new to React, start this course:

To learn more about Design Thinking and the Garage Method, read these:

Day 2

  1. Tools Review
  2. Garage Method Overview
  3. Pair Programming
  4. Test-Driven Development

Self-paced work

Day 3

  1. Docker
  2. Kubernetes
  3. Intro to React

Day 4

  1. Helm
  2. Tekton
  3. 12Factor

Day 5

  1. Argo
  2. Architecture (Microservices)

Day 6

  1. Inceptions
  2. Project Setup
  3. Project Work

Day 7

  1. Standups
  2. Project Work
  3. Show and Tell

Day 8

  1. Standups
  2. Project Work
  3. Show and Tell

Day 9

  1. Standups
  2. Project Work
  3. Show and Tell

Day 10

  1. Project Work
  2. Playbacks and Presentations
  3. Retrospectives
  4. Mapping Your Learning Journey
  5. End of class survey
  6. Share your LinkedIn profiles