
Repo for configs for integrating Snyk Scans with Gitlab CI


Repo for configs for integrating Snyk Scans with Gitlab CI

GitlabCI <> Snyk integration demo Repo to hold templates for GitlabCI config.yml files to work with Snyk security scans.

Elaborate doc here - WIP


1. Setup Gitlab
2. Fork NodeJS-goof - https://github.com/snyk-labs/nodejs-goof

Snyk.io Steps

1. Setup a service account or use your account token for Snyk Authentication in GitlabCI

GitlabCI Steps

1. Project Settings --> CICD --> Pipeline Editor
2. Click Configure Pipeline 
	a. Paste app appropriate config into the yml
  			- Snyk Test, Monitor, or conditional Snyk scans (snyk-delta etc.)

Set the Environment Variable

1. Project Settings 
2. CICD --> Environment Variable
		a. Add variable
		b. Snyk Auth Token (Service Account) -> SNYK_TOKEN

Configuration Files

There are configuration templates posted in the configuration folder.

1. Use and save the template in CICD --> Editor 
	a. Everytime you commit you will trigger a pipeline job so make sure to add SNYK_TOKEN variable beforehand.
2. Please modify if you would like to scan other Snyk-lab projects.