$ npm install imicros-acl --save
The service expects user id and email to be set in ctx.meta data as follows:
ctx.meta.user = {
id: 'unique ID of the user (number or string)',
email: 'user@test.org'
Otherwise the service throws not authenticated
const { Acl } = require("imicros-acl");
await broker.createService(Acl, Object.assign({
settings: {
uri: process.env.NEO4J_URI || "bolt://localhost:7687",
user: process.env.NEO4J_USER || "neo4j",
password: process.env.NEO4J_PASSSWORD || "neo4j"
- requestAccess { forGroupId } => { token }
- verify { token } => { acl }
- addGrant { forGroupId, ruleset } => { result } only for group admins
- removeGrant { forGroupId } => { result } only for group admins
For ruleset language refer to imicros-rules-compiler.
The ruleset is called with the parameters
- user: ctx.meta.user
- ressource: parameter of call isAuthorized
- action: parameter of call isAuthorized
To get access for ressources of a group, an access token must be requested by calling acl.requestAccess
If the authenticated user in ctx.meta.user.id
is member of the requested group forGroupId
a token with unrestricted access is issued.
If the authenticated user in ctx.meta.user.id
is member of a group where grants are assigned to the requested group forGroupId
a token with restricted access is issued.
If the authenticated user in ctx.meta.user.id
is neither a member nor a grant to one of his groups is assigned, no access token will be issued.
The retrieved access token must be delivered in the service call context under ctx.meta.acl.accessToken
This token is verified by the broker middleware.
The final authorization check is made in the mixin method isAuthorized
In case of restricted access the grant rulesets are called. If no grant solves to acl.result = 'allow'
the access is denied.
const { AclMixin } = require("imicros-acl");
const Service = {
name: "AnyService",
settings: {
acl: {
service: "acl" // name of the acl service
mixins: [AclMixin],
actions: {
// call method of acl mixin
await this.isAuthorized({
ctx: ctx, // context from action handler
ressource: res, // JSON representation of the ressource - attributes can be used in grant rules
action: 'read' // name of the called action or a specific command like read,write,update'
The original called action is also available in grant rules under environment.action
const { AclMiddleware } = require("imicros-acl");
broker = new ServiceBroker({
logger: console,
logLevel: "info",
middlewares: [AclMiddleware]
The middleware wraps localAction and verifies a given accesstoken in ctx.meta.acl.accessToken
by calling service acl.verify
If successful verified further acl parameter are set which are used by isAuthorized
method of the mixin or direct in the middleware.
The acl check by the middleware can be triggered by an acl parameter in the action defintion:
const Service = {
name: "service",
actions: {
get1: {
acl: "before", // acl check in the middleware is done before the action is called
async handler(ctx) {
return true;
get2: {
acl: "after", // acl check in the middleware is done after the action is called and can be now based on the result
// this is only useful in case of ruleset based grants
async handler(ctx) {
return { test: { a: "yes" } };
get3: {
acl: "always", // acl check in the middleware is done before and after the action is called
// this is only useful in case of ruleset based grants
async handler(ctx) {
return { test: { a: "yes" } };
get4: {
acl: "core", // access only for admin group created during initial start of the groups service
async handler(ctx) {
return { test: { core: "yes" } };
version: '3'
image: neo4j
container_name: neo4j
# only necessary for access neo4j directly via webinterface
- "7474:7474"
- "7687:7687"
# NEO4J_AUTH: 'none'
- ./data:/data