
A color scheme for iTerm2, based on GitHub's dark theme

MIT LicenseMIT

a color scheme for iTerm2, based on GitHub's dark theme

GitHub release (latest SemVer) GitHub Repo stars GitHub


figlet output npx colortest output htop output



  1. Right-click and save the file GitHub Dark.itermcolors
  2. Click the downloaded file, and you should see a message similar to The color scheme was imported and added to presets.
  1. Right-click and save the file GitHub Dark.itermcolors
  2. Open iTerm2 and open Preferences
  3. Click the Profiles tab, then the Colors tab
  4. Select the Color Presets... dropdown and click import..., then select the GitHub Dark.itermcolors file


  1. Open iTerm2 and open Preferences
  2. Click the Profiles tab, then the Colors tab
  3. Select the Color Presets..., then select the GitHub Dark.itermcolors file

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