
Compress / Extract six kinds of compression software formats easily

MIT LicenseMIT


Compress / Extract six kinds of compression software formats easily

usage: Zip/Unzip [-h] [-zip {targz,tar,gz,zip,bz2,xz} | -uzip] file

Compress / Extract six kinds of compression software formats easily.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -zip {targz,tar,gz,zip,bz2,xz}
                        Zip file or directory

Contact author: ala98412@gmail.com

Extract file

Don't need to asign format

python3 -m Zips -uzip filename

Compress file or directory

python3 -m Zips -zip [formats] file/dirname

formats: targz, tar, gz, zip, bz2, xz