Mimicking AI

Project Team

  • Alaaeddin KHEİTİ
  • Hüseyin ELİBOL
  • Esat Yusuf DALBUDAK


  • Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Kadriye Filiz BALBAL


The goal of this project is to generate poetry that mimics a selected poet's style using artificial intelligence and natural language processing.


  1. Process and classify texts written by humans to create new works in the same style.
  2. Achieve high accuracy in mimicking the selected poet's thought process.


  • Model Selection: RNN was not suitable due to high data requirements and context inadequacies. GPT-2 was considered but discarded due to lack of Turkish support and high training costs.
  • Final Model: Fine-tuned GPT-3.5 model using transformer architecture for good performance with less data.


  1. Data Preparation:
    • Collected a dataset of 1273 poems.
    • Removed very short poems to ensure the model doesn't generate too short poems.
    • Balanced the data by poets and ensured the poems' format was preserved.
  2. Model Training:
    • Fine-tuned GPT-3.5 TURBO model with 4 epochs.
    • Developed a classification model using Turkish BERT with 61 epochs, achieving 88% accuracy.
  3. Evaluation:
    • Extracted a sample of 99 poems to measure mimicking performance.
    • Developed a website using Java Spring and React JS, storing outputs in PostgreSQL.
  4. User Interaction:
    • Users can select a poet, propose a poem title, choose a theme, and generate a poem.


  • Mimicking Performance: Average of 62%, with up to 80-85% for well-represented poets.
  • Comparison with Original GPT Model: The fine-tuned model performed significantly better in mimicking.


  • Sawicki, P., Grzes, M., Góes, L. F., Brown, D., Peeperkorn, M., Khatun, A., & Paraskevopoulou, S. (2023).
  • Kurt, U., & Çayir, A. (2023). "A Modern Turkish Poet: Fine-Tuned GPT-2."
  • OpenAI. "Documentation for GPT Finetuning Service"
  • Dbmdz repo Turkish BERT model huggingface
  • GitHub Repository: Fine-tuning GPT-3 for Poetry Generation and Evaluation
  • Data Sources: www.antoloji.com, siir.sitesi.web.tr, buyuksiirbelediyesi.com

Project Flowchart

Project Flowchart

System Architecture

System Architecture

User Interface

user interface user interface 2

Sample of the poetry that was produced

Poet:Abdulrahim karakoç

Poem Title: bambaşkasın (You are completely different)

theme: kadın (women)

Haramdan uzakta helâlin vesikası

İsmi güzel olup, gönlü güzel kadın!

Su serper ızdırabımı leylandağlarına

Yağmyurunu isyanınla terleten kadın!

Gözlerinde, düğümlendi dualarımız

Üstümüzde sunulan kahramanlarımız

Göğsünde yattığımız sancaktarlarımız

Vatanımızı vatan yapan kadın!

Aşk içre tutsak, ahirette azadı

Kaldırır kadehi, en yakın ve en sadı

Son biçilecek çiçeğiyse bahçesinin

Ağlar gider, gıdası tütünlü tütün kadın!

Coğrafyamızı yeryüzünden yıpratan

Nice gardırop doldurmak yerine sevdayla

Kokladıkça mehtabı ufuk boylarından

Damarımızdaki en hakiki kan kadın!

Dövüşür semahı, dize getirir zamanı

Namlusu duaları, haznesi niyazı

Dilimizde zaferleri, görüşümüzde hazı

Tek taşı, tenimizin ocağına atan kadın!

Mü’mine bakışı, kardeşlik ateşi gibi...

Hayatı, toplumu süsleyen nakkaş eşi gibi!

Doğuran, yetiştiren, evimizde aşını

Görüntüsü sefalete benzer dahi ona kalmış...