This is the dataSet and source code for PyART
Core code of PyART is in PyART/ directory, we give a detailed introduction to the directory.This directory is for a simple demo for PyART in one fold among k-fold evaluation of within-project API recommendation.
An execuable demo and newer version[Recommended] is updated in
Some requirements for PyART
[If you want to use understand to get Json file]:
vim ~/.bashrc
export PATH="$PATH:/[path]/understand/scitools/bin/linux64"
export STIHOME="/[path]/understand/scitools"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/[path]/understand/scitools/bin/linux64"
[This is not necessary if you donot use understand]
apt-get install libnss3 libfontconfig gconf-service libasound2 libatk1.0-0 libc6 libcairo2 libcups2 libdbus-1-3 libexpat1 libfontconfig1 libgcc1 libgconf-2-4 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libglib2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libnspr4 libpango-1.0-0 libpangocairo-1.0-0 libstdc++6 libx11-6 libx11-xcb1 libxcb1 libxcomposite1 libxcursor1 libxdamage1 libxext6 libxfixes3 libxi6 libxrandr2 libxrender1 libxss1 libxtst6 ca-certificates fonts-liberation libappindicator1 libnss3 lsb-release xdg-utils wget
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install pytype sklearn pandas joblib nltk
To run testing case:
Main introduction
This doc is for a simple demo for PyART in k-fold evaluation of within-project API recommendation. The main steps are just training ( and testing (
Other core files in demo are as follows:
builtin.txt: store built-in methods mentioned in Python standard doc.
typeshed.txt: store APIs in typeshed dataset of part of python libs (including standard and 3-party libs) get dataflow constraints.
trainfile.lm: the trained N-Gram model by the tool SRILM to compute the log possibility score of a given dataflow as one of the feature vector for PyART. and these two files are just used to get all APIs defined in the current projects by the tool understand. PyART needs to extract all APIs defined in the current code context. However, in order to reduce effort in the demo, we just use the tool understand to get all APIs defined in the project, and just extract part of corresponding APIs to simulate readl-time scenario in each recommendation point. And this part needs to be re-constructed. train recommendation model using training cases based on random forest.
Other dirs in demo are as follows:
output/: tmp dir for dataflow extraction
drilm-1.7.2: ngram tool srilm
testdata/:store project
testJson/:store Json file
traincsv/:store .csv files and .pkl files
Core functions in and corresponding parameters:
__main__(CURRENT_PROJ,filePath)// if__name__==”main”
This is the entry of training process, which reads files of a given project named ‘CURRENT_PROJ’ stored in the directory ‘filePath’, and finally outputs extracted training vectors and labels into .csv files in ‘outPath’ directory.
CURRENT_PROJ: project name, such as ‘flask’ filePath:path of training directory,such as ‘testdata/’
The function gets all tokens of all files in the current context and stores them in the hash table for token co-occurrence computation in the latter process.
Parameter: iret_list: list of training files
The fuction makes preparations and starts to training.
The function gets all possible APIs that may be imported by ‘import’ statement in the current file.
The function counts all possible APIs that may be used in the current file from three aspects: standard lib APIs, 3-party lib APIs and APIs defined in the current context,combined with import information.
This is the main function that deals with each file, which recognizes each recommendation point in the form of ‘[exp].API()’, makes type inference for ‘[exp]’, collects candidate APIs, constructs feature vector for each candidate, computes possibility scores and finally outputs recommendation lists.
The function makes type inference for ‘[exp]’ with the tool pytype.
Parameter: finalc: the current context that contains the caller ‘[exp]’ after some simple struct completion and check(such as check_try()) file: current file name.
The function gets the co-occurrence scores A of candidate APIs and tokens in the current context before the recommendation line. A represents the occurrence number of the tuple (token,API) in existing files (except the current file)
Parameter: aps: list of candidate apis naming_line: unused parameter. Should be deleted naming_context: all code context before the recommendation point in the current file file: the current file name
The function gets the co-occurrence scores B of candidate APIs and tokens in the current context before the recommendation line. B represents the number of files that contain the tuple (token,API) in existing files (except the current file).
Core functions in and corresponding parameters:
__main__(CURRENT_PROJ,filePath)// if __name__==”main”
This is the entry of testing process, which reads files of a given project named ‘CURRENT_PROJ’ stored in the directory ‘filePath’, and finally outputs a ranking recommendation list.
CURRENT_PROJ: project name, such as ‘flask’ filePath: path of training directory,such as ‘testdata/’
[Most functions in are the same as those in ]
Core functions in and corresponding parameters:
get_current_dataflow2(current_context,caller) The function extracts all dataflows that related to the caller ‘[exp]’ at the recommendation point.
current_context: current context containing the caller. caller: caller
The function computes possibility scores of all dataflows that constructed by all candidate APIs.
aps: list of candidate APIs maxflow: the longest flow containing caller current_dataflow: all flows containing caller ft: the inferred type of the caller [may be Any or None or nothing] callee: expected API name, this parameter is not necessary and should be deleted.
The function computes similarity scores of tokens in maxdataflow and each candidate API in aps
Parameter: Same as the above