
Medical Record

a complete medical history of all patients including past illnesses and various diseases.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

to run the server :

  • be in the root of the repo

  • npm install -g webpack

  • npm install

  • monogod

  • then in two seperate terminal windows:

  • npm run react-dev

  • npm run server-dev

  • or use this command:

  • npm run jozaa

Built With

  • React - The frond-end framework used
  • node.js/express.js - the server/server framework used
  • MongoDB/mongoose - Database and ORM used.
  • npm - Dependency Management


  • Mohammad Jozaa - Scrum master
  • Belal Faouri - Product Owner
  • Salsabeel Jaafreh - Team member
  • Mohammad AlRifai - Team member