
This repository is created to calculate the distnace between two strings, using both hamming and levenshtien methods.

it conains :

index.php :

a simple webpage to navigate to hamming or levenshien method.

to run this file using php built-in server :
1. navigte to directory containing the file from your terminal.
2. run php -S localhost:8000 command.
3. navigate to localhost:8000 in your browser.

lev_inputs.php :

a simple web page to enter strings you want calculate distance between using levenshtien method.

ham_inputs.php :

a simple web page to enter strings you want calculate distance between using hamming method.

leven.php :

levenshtien method implementation,using dynamic programming approch.

hamming.php :

hamming method implementation.

cmd.php :

by runnig this file from your command line, you will be able to enter two strings and calculate the distance using levenshtine method.

to run this file from your cmd :
1. navigte to directory containing the file.
2. run php cmd.php command.

test.php :

this file requires both levenshtien and hamming classes and perform some tests on them using phpunit testing tool.

to run this file from your cmd :
1. navigte to directory containing the file.
2. run phpunit test.php command.