
The shared repository for HackZurich 2023 project number 3, from Julius Bar, named SPII File Crawler.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Team name: Farzad


  • Mohammad Ala Amjadi
  • Nazish Malik
  • Magnus Glasder
  • Swetha Nachimuthu
  • Ayman Barakat



  • Access the file and iterate over different paths
  • Categorizing the files based on file type (file signature)
  • Pattern (private key, passwd file, ... )
  • Labling Algorithm
    • Possible Content (text) Extraction
      • Metadata :
      • Location (Different regulations)
      • Date-Time: Calculation of how long the file is kept in the system
      • Camera / Device Information
      • Author of the file
      • File Name
  • Visulization of Information

Analysis on labeled files:

Possible file types

Number File Type Counts
01 .pdf 105
02 .xlsx 101
03 .log 100
04 .csv 100
05 .md 66
06 .html 60
07 .pem 57
08 No Extension 55
09 .ps1 48
10 .pub 41
11 .db 20
12 .xml 19
13 .docx 12
14 .png 12
15 .py 11
16 .txt 10
17 .jpg 10
18 .zip 10
19 .msg 7
20 .mp3 6

Similar categories

Cateogry 1
  • html > Finished but the naming is not detecting properly

    • TRUE:
      • IBAN(sometimes spaces between characters, every 4 characters) +
      • EMAIL (space before @ sign) +
      • NAME (might have some special characters)
    • FALSE:
      • Former name instead of full name
      • Company name were included but the information wasn't related
      • Start Year instead of birthdate or age
      • Country name instead of address
      • twitter usernames has @ and it can make confusion for email detection
  • ps1

    • TRUE:
      • FNAME + IBAN + ZRNR
      • The information can be in lowercase and uppercase
  • py

    • TRUE:
Cateogry 2 (Text based) > Magnus
  • pdf
  • docx
  • log
  • xml
  • txt
  • md
Cateogry 3
  • pem

    • TRUE: Allways, it starts with BEGIN and END
  • pub:

    • TRUE:
      • starts with ssh-rsa and then finishes with a valid iban
    • FALSE:
Cateogry 4
  • png
  • jpg
  • jpeg
Cateogry 5
  • zip
  • msg
  • mp3
Cateogry 6
  • xlsx
  • csv
  • db

HackZurich 2023 - Scan the Bank Workshop

Welcome to the Scan the Bank Workshop. This README leads you through this challenge and contains all the relevant information. In case something is unclear don't hesitate to get in touch with us.


With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU coming into effect, banks face the challenge to ensure compliance. GDPR Compliance means an organization that falls within the scope of the GDPR meets the requirements for properly handling personal data as defined in the law. The GDPR outlines certain obligations organizations must follow which limit how personal data can be used. Under these falls also the need of deleting personal information that does no longer need to be saved. To fulfill the requirements, organization must check vast amounts of data that was created before the initialization of GDPR and decide whether they contain any personal data or not. Also, in case that sensitive data is saved in wrong locations, we want a possibility to detect such data protection violations.

These tasks are not tractable solely by human labor and require an automated solution. A possible approach is a file crawler that labels documents that clearly aren't complying, as well as flagging uncertain cases for further human review.

Your Task

Your challenge is building a fast and accurate data crawler that classifies whether a file is containing sensitive content or not and in doubt labels the document for further review. The files are a mix of different media and file types for which you have to find out approaches to identify their content. Below, you will find further details about the general structure of the challenge.

Repo Structure

The general repo structure functions as boilerplate code to give you a jump-start. But it is also necessary to run your solution properly in the evaluation environment (more about this later). We recommend forking this repo and implementing your solution in the general project structure. Below some further explanations about the content of the repo.

The app directory contains the heart of your crawler. The crawler.py must contain your crawler. If you want to split up your code feel free to put more files in there but make sure that executing crawler.py is starting your algorithm. Put all packages that your solution needs in the requirements.txt file. Here you can find an explanation of the syntax of pip requirements files.

The files directory is where the files belong which the crawler has to label. We give you a few examples of files along with the corresponding labels so that you can examine their structure. You can download a ZIP file of them here. Then create a files folder in the root directory of the repo and place the unzipped files in there. The labels can be found among the files in labels.csv. Don't worry about the naming of the other files, the names are randomized.

Definition of Sensitive Data

Data that allows identification of a person only when combined with other pieces of information, including Customer identifiers, career data, and Personal IDs.

There are three kind of sensitive data: Direct, Indirect and Potential Indirect:

  • Direct
    • Full Name
    • Email Address
    • Company name
    • RSA private key
  • Indirect
    • Address (street, city and country)
    • Phone number
    • IBAN or any other kind of bank account number
  • Potential Indirect
    • Nationality
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Professional qualification

The combination of one direct field plus any other (direct, indirect, potential indirect) is classified as sensitive data, except for RSA private keys which are always classified as sensitive. Otherwise, it is classified as NON-sensitive data.


  • Sensitive data: notice that in the following example only by having the full name of a person and its bank account we can already classify it as sensitive.
Customer Due Diligence (CDD) File:

Client Information:

    Client Name: Dr. Emma Müller
    Client ID/Account Number: CH6372246126343118257
    Client Type: Individual
    Client Nationality: Swiss
    Client Date of Birth: July 10, 1985
    Client Occupation: Medical Doctor
    Source of Wealth: Employment income, investment income

Client Background:

    Background Check: Client's background has been checked through available public records and KYC due diligence. No adverse information found.

Risk Assessment:

    Risk Category: Low to Moderate
    Risk Factors:
        Swiss nationality and residency provide lower jurisdictional risk.
        Stable employment income and investment income.
        No previous history of suspicious or high-risk transactions.
        No adverse findings in background checks.
  • Non-sensitive data: notice that in the following example, only general information about people is mentioned, but we can't point someone in particular.
List of new customers that hired our Internet service:

| Phone Number   | IBAN     | Gender | Age |
| +41 701562289  | CH123456 | Female | 27  |
| +58 4552226986 | 45612389 | Male   | 31  |

Other Examples

  • CV document with name and contact information given
     John Doe
     +41 76 999 88 88
  • Email where name and IBAN of client is mentioned
    John Doe
  • CSV extract from system with phone, address and bank client number
    0770001122, "Bahnhofstrasse 1, Zürich 8001", JB-0000-1111-BANK, ...
  • File with RSA private key


Analyze The Sample Data

Before you start building your awesome crawler, analyze the sample data properly and ask yourself fundamental questions about the problem structure. What file types exist? How does the file content look like when you open them? Can you identify the sensitive content? Which file types should you prioritize?

Handy Tools & Concepts

There are many tools out there that can do a lot of the heavy lifting for you. Already the built-in regex library of Python goes a long way. Take also a look at tools like nltk that can do things like Named Entity Recognition (NER). You can also try out using pretrained Machine Learning models, but be careful to stay within the Docker image size limits (see "Hand-In").

Reuse & Chain Code

Sometimes you can restructure a specific file type so that you can use a classifier that you built for another file type. Try to modularize your code and reuse features that you already implemented. So you can build pipelines for different data types without reinventing the wheel. Per example for audio files you could build a speech-to-text module and feed its output in your already existing text classifier. But beware, errors tend to compound when chaining estimators. So choose wisely whether you give something a false instead of a review label.

Check If Your Solution Runs Correctly

Local Implementation:

go to the app directory and run the following command:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To run the program, run the following command

python crawler.py

NLP Requirements (in case it is used)

pip3 install --user -U nltk

``` bash
pip3 install --user -U numpy

We check your solutions within a Docker image to ensure that your solution will also run on our hardware. We advise you to check your solution within Docker as well. Install Docker on your machine then go to the root directory of your local copy of this repo and run the command

docker build -t crawler .

or you can pull it from here : https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/0x4ym4n/crawler/general

This creates a Docker image from your Dockerfile. Afterwards you can run the container by entering following command in your terminal while being in the root directory of the repo.

docker run -v ./files:/files -v ./results:/results --network none crawler

The -v flag mounts the directories of your OS into the Docker container so that you don't have to copy all the files into it. Make sure that you already downloaded the sample files and copied them in the files directory, otherwise the container will complain if you launch it without files in place.


Here some important points that you have to consider when handing in the solution:

  • We run the evaluation without internet connection so that no web APIs can be used for the solution.
  • If you need an ML model or other downloadable content make sure to modify your Dockerfile so that it is downloaded in the /app directory when the image gets built. Also make sure that your Docker image is not bigger than 5GB.
  • Your crawler must be activated by executing the crawler.py script, but you are allowed to add other Python files to the app directory.
  • Make sure that your crawler returns its flags as a pickeled dictionary in directory results. The dictionary must have the filename, without path, as key and the corresponding flag, i.e. 'true', 'false' or 'review', as value. Use the given boilerplate code as reference.
  • To hand in your solution, fork this repo and commit your solution to your fork. If you want to keep your code private, you can add us as a collaborator in your repo (GitHub username: nano256).
  • We will run all solutions with the evaluation dataset on identical hardware and later we will announce the scores of the individual teams.

Rating System

The rating consists of two parts: the performance, i.e. how well the crawler classifies the files, and efficiency, i.e. how quick the crawler works through the files.

80% of the total score are determined by the performance. Below we show the points which will be given for each possible configuration of classification and label.

True Label Classification Score
true true 20
true false -20
true review 10
false false 2
false true -2
false review -1

The other 20% of the total score are determined by the efficiency of the solution. We will run all solutions on the same hardware and measure the time it takes for labeling all the data. The fastest solution will receive the maximum amount of points while the slowest solution will receive no points at all. The other teams will be graded by linearly interpolating between the slowest and fastest team.

Both parts of the score will be normalized and summed up to reveal the overall winner of the challenge.

How to Reach Out to Us

During the challenge, we will be active on the HackZurich Discord server (join here). Send a message in the corresponding channel or DM us. We will make it clear which accounts belong to our team in the challenge channel.


This repo was coppied from here