
Assembly implementations of Linkedlist, Stack, Binary Search Tree and Hash Table in ARMv8.

Primary LanguageAssembly


Assembly implementations of Linkedlist, Stack, Binary Search Tree and Hash Table in ARMv8.

Some Notes:
main.c is an interface for the user that asks for operation. However, all the data structures functions are implemented in assembly language.

Run environment: DS-5 Workspace

Insertion: addnode.S
Deletion: deletenode.S
Getlength: getlength.S

Push: pushstack.S
Pop: popstack.S
Gettop: gettop.S
Getlength: getlength.S

Binary Search Tree:
Insertion: bstinsert.S
Find: bstfind.S
FindMin: bstfindmin.S
FindMax: bstfindmax.S

Hash Table:
Insertion: hashinsert.S
Deletion: hashdelete.S
Find: hashfind.S
FindMax: bstfindmax.S