A small BattleCity like game I am building for fun. It is written in Python 2. It should be easy to port it to python 3 at some point in the future.
Option 1 - You can grab an already built binary from the GitHub's release page. But I am limited how many different targets I can support with builds.
Option 2 - If your OS is not in the list you will have to run it from source. Luckily python is now ubiquitous and PyGame is a breeze to install via pip. First, make sure you have PyGame 1.* installed. The game can be started with python app.py
. All assets you would need are included in the repo. In short, you have to run the following:
pip install pygame
git clone https://github.com/ironsmile/tank4eta.git
cd tank4eta
python app.py
The game supports GamePads (or joysticks in PyGame parlance). If you do not have any, then the keyboard controls are:
- Player 1: movement with
and shoot withspace
. - Player 2: movement with
and shoot witht
Unfortunatelly as of v1.0.0
they cannot be rebinded.
Everyone can create maps for the game. A map is just a text file with a name ending in .map
. So, here is an example map:
w e w w w e w
wwwwww w e w www w
w ww w ww w
w ~~~~ ww ~w w
w www w ~~~~~~ ww
w w e w ww
w ~~~~~~~~~~~ w
w w www w
w~~~~~~~~~ w w
w www wwww
w wwwwwwwwwww w
w w w w
w p p w
Every single character represents some object on the map. The game world is composed of rectangles and a character represents such a rectangle. New lines should be in unix format, that is to say just the newline character - \n
. Here is a breakdown of the meaning of all characters:
- spot on which a player tank can spawne
- spot on which an enemy tank can spawnw
- brick wall~
- water
Maps must be placed in data/maps
directory and have a name like my-new-level.map
so that the game would recognize and load them.
In creating this I've used the following open parts:
- The PyGame engine
- Ubuntu font
- Scott Barlow's excellent menu library
All the professional sounds in this game are the result of long and meticulous work by me and my closest people. So I am thankful for all the help I've received in this department!