
Getting Started

Kayak A single platform for Idea Curator and Investors


Step to setup in local env.


Steps for local setup

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone git@github.com:pesto-students/kayak-fe-n12-beta.git
  2. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  3. Start the Project
    npm run dev
  4. Browse to http://localhost:3000

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🎯 Objective

*Vision*: We at KAYAK bring together idea curators and investors on one page along with our existing community who have invested in different ideas and have seen them make an impact in our lives


To build a scalable crowd-funding platform for the community.

To build responsive and easy to use applications with minimum click for a user flow.

To build a platform that brings together large numbers of investors and idea curators and support them.

*Personas*: Investor & Idea Curator

Demo Link : Kayak

Figma Link : Kayak

BackEnd Repo : Kayak

Tools and Libraries

  • ReactJS
  • React Hooks
  • TypeScipt
  • Axios
  • MaterialUI

API Integrations

  • RazorPay - Payments
  • Cloudnary - Media storage

Mobile Responsive

  • Fits to Mobile Screen
  • Fits to Tab Screen
  • Fits to Desktop

Coding Standards

  • AirBnB Style Guide
  • Eslint
  • Prettier


Abhishek Jain - GiHub - Email - LinkedIn

Alabhya Pandey - GiHub - Email - LinkedIn