Golang wrapper for qBittorrent Web API (for versions above v4.1+).
This wrapper is based on the methods described in qBittorrent WebUI API wiki
go get github.com/alabsi91/qbittorrent-webapi-go
package main
import (
func main() {
// First create the client
client := qbittorrent.NewClient("http://localhost:8080")
// Login
err := client.Login("admin", "adminadmin")
if err != nil {
// Get torrents
options := &qbittorrent.GetTorrentListOptions{
Filter: qbittorrent.FilterAll,
torrents, err := client.GetTorrentList(options)
if err != nil {
for _, torrent := range torrents {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", torrent.Name)
The following methods has parameters builders.
func main() {
client := qbittorrent.NewClient("http://localhost:8080")
// login
err := client.Login("admin", "adminadmin")
if err != nil {
// set preferences
params := qbittorrent.NewPreferences().
err = client.SetApplicationPreferences(params.Data)
if err != nil {
// Add torrent
torrent := qbittorrent.NewTorrent().
AddUrl("URL: http://, https://, magnet: and bc://bt/ links are supported").
AddUrl("Additional URL").
err = client.AddNewTorrent(torrent.Data)
if err != nil {
Login(username, password string) (err error)
Logout() (err error)
GetApplicationVersion() (version string, err error)
GetAPIVersion() (version string, err error)
GetBuildInfo() (info BuildInfo, err error)
ShutdownApplication() (err error)
GetApplicationPreferences() (resultsApplicationPreferences, err error)
SetApplicationPreferences(prefs *map[string]interfac{}) (err error)
GetDefaultSavePath() (path string, err error)
GetLog(params *GetLogParams) (results []GetLogResponse, err error)
GetPeerLog(lastKnownId int) (results []GetPeerLogResponse, err error)
GetSyncMainData(rid int) (results SyncMainDataResponse, err error)
GetSyncTorrentPeersData(hash string, rid int) (results map[string]interface{}, err error)
GetGlobalTransferInfo() (results TransferInfoResponse, err error)
GetAlternativeSpeedLimitsState() (results AlternativeSpeedLimitsStatus, err error)
ToggleAlternativeSpeedLimits() (err error)
GetGlobalDownloadLimit() (results int, err error)
SetGlobalDownloadLimit(limit int) (err error)
GetGlobalUploadLimit() (results int, err error)
SetGlobalUploadLimit(limit int) (err error)
BanPeers(peers []string) (err error)
GetTorrentList(opts *GetTorrentListOptions) (results []TorrentListResponse, err error)
GetTorrentGenericProperties(hash string) (results TorrentGenericProperties, err error)
GetTorrentTrackers(hash string) (results []TorrentTracker, err error)
GetTorrentWebSeeds(hash string) (results []TorrentSeed, err error)
GetTorrentContents(hash string, indexes ...int) (results []TorrentFile, err error)
GetTorrentPiecesStates(hash string) (results []TorrentPiecesState, err error)
GetTorrentPiecesHashes(hash string) (results []string, err error)
PauseTorrents(hashes []string) (err error)
ResumeTorrents(hashes []string) (err error)
DeleteTorrents(hashes []string, deleteFiles bool) (err error)
RecheckTorrents(hashes []string) (err error)
ReannounceTorrents(hashes []string) (err error)
AddNewTorrent(formData map[string]string) (err error)
AddTrackersToTorrent(hash string, trackers []string) (err error)
EditTrackers(hash, origUrl, newUrl string) (err error)
RemoveTrackers(hash string, urls []string) (err error)
AddPeers(hashes, peers []string)
IncreaseTorrentPriority(hashes []string) (err error)
DecreaseTorrentPriority(hashes []string) (err error)
MaximalTorrentPriority(hashes []string) (err error)
MinimalTorrentPriority(hashes []string) (err error)
SetFilePriority(hash string, ids []string, priority FilePriority) (err error)
GetTorrentDownloadLimit(hashes []string) (results map[string]int, err error)
SetTorrentDownloadLimit(hashes []string, limit int) (err error)
SetTorrentShareLimit(hashes []string, ratioLimit float64, seedingTimeLimit, inactiveSeedingTimeLimit int) (err error)
GetTorrentUploadLimit(hashes []string) (results map[string]int, err error)
SetTorrentUploadLimit(hashes []string, limit int) (err error)
SetTorrentLocation(hashes []string, location string) (err error)
SetTorrentName(hash, name string) (err error)
SetTorrentCategory(hashes []string, category string) (err error)
GetAllCategories() (results map[string]Category, err error)
AddNewCategory(name, savePath string) (err error)
EditCategory(name, savePath string) (err error)
RemoveCategories(categories []string) (err error)
AddTorrentTags(hashes, tags []string) (err error)
RemoveTorrentTags(hashes, tags []string) (err error)
GetAllTags() (results []string, err error)
CreateTags(tags []string) (err error)
DeleteTags(tags []string) (err error)
SetAutomaticTorrentManagement(hashes []string, enable bool) (err error)
ToggleSequentialDownload(hashes []string) (err error)
ToggleFirstLastPiecePriority(hashes []string) (err error)
SetForceStart(hashes []string, enable bool) (err error)
SetSuperSeeding(hashes []string, enable bool) (err error)
RenameFile(hash, oldPath, newPath string) (err error)
RenameFolder(hash, oldPath, newPath string) (err error)
AddRSSFolder(path string) (err error)
AddRSSFeed(feedUrl, path string) (err error)
RemoveRSSItem(path string) (err error)
MoveRSSItem(itemPath, destPath string) (err error)
GetAllRSSItems(withData bool) (results map[string]interface{}, err error)
MarkRSSAsRead(itemPath, articleId string) (err error)
RefreshRSSItem(itemPath string) (err error)
SetRSSAutoDownloadingRule(ruleName string, ruleDef map[string]interface{}) (err error)
RenameRSSAutoDownloadingRule(ruleName, newRuleName string) (err error)
RemoveRSSAutoDownloadingRule(ruleName string) (err error)
GetAllRSSDownloadingRules() (results map[string]RSSDownloadingRule, err error)
GetAllRSSArticlesMatchingRule(ruleName string) (results map[string][]string, err error)
StartSearch(pattern string, plugins []string, category []string) (results int, err error)
StopSearch(id int) (err error)
GetSearchStatus(id *int) (results []SearchStatusResponse, err error)
GetSearchResults(id int, limit, offset *int) (results SearchResultsResponse, err error)
DeleteSearch(id int) (err error)
GetSearchPlugins() (results []SearchPluginsResponse, err error)
InstallSearchPlugin(sources []string) (err error)
UninstallSearchPlugin(names []string) (err error)
EnableSearchPlugin(names []string, enable bool) (err error)
UpdateSearchPlugins() (err error)