# This script is intended to be used as an automatic form of Teamspeak authentication for Guild Wars 2. # How it works: Using the ts3 module, the bot logs into the teamspeak server by IP via the serverquery account. See teamspeak documentation on this account, password would have been generated on server creation. Bot will sit in any specificed channel (defined in the bot.conf)and wait for commands to be sent. Currently the commands are limited, but the framework is there add custom ones yourself. The guild wars authentication uses the API keys from user's accounts. It also requires at least 1 character on said account to be level 80 ( level is configurable in bot.conf). # REQUIREMENTS in 'requirements.txt' NOTE: gw2api module by author 'hackedd' is clean and simple but for some reason one line of code was throwing the v2/endpoint.py off in Python 3.4 (was fine in 2.7). However, I had to use 3.4 so I tweaked his code as follows: RECOMENDED: You can use the gw2api that was forked to fix this bug, mentioned in requirements.txt OTHERWISE: File: v2/endpoint.py Original: for key, link in r.links.iteritems(): Fixed: for key, link in r.links.items(): Please modify the bot.conf variables as needed.
A python bot that will sit in a Teamspeak3 channel and take commands. It's main purpose was to verify server players for Guild Wars 2 and automatically authenticate and give them the proper Group for permissions to speak/etc in Teamspeak.