no-autofix rules not working/not found with scoped packages
keliel opened this issue · 5 comments
Tell us about your environment
- eslint version: 7.21.0
- eslint-plugin-no-autofix version: 1.1.2
Seems like the rule in itself is working (not 100% sure), but linter from i.e. vscode is still reporting "Definition for rule 'no-autofix/@typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility' was not found."
Since I didn't see the TODO written in the code and my use case is exactly that, I am just opening this issue to hopefully track the status. Would be nice, if this is resolved at some point 😄
Looks like this plugin would do everything I need if it just supported scoped plugins. I looked and I don't know enough about eslint to make this work.
I'll look at this asap (maybe in a few days).
@aladdin-add Anything we can do to help? I looked at the code and it seems like it should be possible but I don't understand the logic so well to make sure I would do it right.
This should be reopened, I still have the same issue with:
eslint-plugin-no-autofix: ^1.2.0
this should be fixed in eslint-plugin-no-autofix v1.2.3.
confirmed in a repo: ( it was not easy to write tests for this �╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭, but will try later).