- 2
TypeError: context.getScope is not a function
#101 opened by Opty1712 - 3
eslint-plugin-autofix bug: missing comma
#86 opened by Niefee - 0
bug report: `eslint-plugin-no-autofix` crashes when run on ``
#98 opened by Samuel-Therrien-Beslogic - 0
eslint-plugin-autofix: `string-similarity@4.0.4`: Package no longer supported
#97 opened by Samuel-Therrien-Beslogic - 0
- 0
bug report: eslint-plugin-no-autofix does not support flat config & has no typescript declaration file
#92 opened by Zamiell - 0
bug report: eslint-plugin-no-autofix
#91 opened by l1135677068 - 3
rule support: react/jsx-no-leaked-render
#90 opened by l1135677068 - 1
support ESLint 9 / flat config
#88 opened by Zamiell - 16
more rules candidates
#9 opened by aladdin-add - 0
autofix/no-unused-vars will add a blank line.
#87 opened by andiShan11 - 6
autofix/sort-imports doesn't autofix
#49 opened by dkent600 - 2
How would I use all of autofixes rules?
#84 opened by KK-Designs - 4
- 0
autofix: no-empty-pattern
#82 opened by aladdin-add - 1
switch to github actions
#65 opened by aladdin-add - 5
- 1
- 0
eslint v8 support
#78 opened by aladdin-add - 0
more testing
#76 opened by aladdin-add - 2
eslint-plugin-autofix: `no-unused-vars` complains about TypeScript function type parameters
#75 opened by osdiab - 3
no-unused-var rule creates invalid code (2)
#57 opened by laurent22 - 3
[eslint-plugin-no-autofix] Same exception as in closed issue #72, after the no-autofix vers 1.1.1 was released
#73 opened by ababalau - 1
- 6
- 5
no-unused-vars messes up typescript imports
#60 opened by BenniG82 - 5
eslint-plugin-autofix bug
#64 opened by rowrowrowrow - 1
no-unused-vars fixer should skip destructuring
#70 opened by jeiea - 2
no-unused-var rule creates invalid code (3)
#58 opened by laurent22 - 1
- 5
#52 opened by baixiaoyu2997 - 3
- 0
no-unused-var rule creates invalid code
#56 opened by laurent22 - 2
- 3
- 2
consider monorepo
#50 opened by aladdin-add - 2
- 48
#33 opened by g-plane - 5
#32 opened by g-plane - 2
#40 opened by golopot - 1
Auto fixing produces wrong syntax.
#44 opened by g-plane - 1
#34 opened by g-plane - 0
#31 opened by g-plane - 0
- 1
- 3
#28 opened by g-plane - 0
consider adding a recommended preset
#18 opened by aladdin-add - 3
Enforce returning the `problem`
#4 opened by g-plane