Whenever I face an interesting problem I document the algorithm that I learned to solve it. The goals of this repository is to have clean, efficient and most importantly correct code.
✅: If the algorithm is tested
🔺: If the algorithm is untested
- ✅ Knapsack 0/1 - O(nC) Bottom-Up implementation (Loops)
- ✅ 🎥Sequence Alignment - O(nm)
- ✅ 🎥Weighted Interval Scheduling - O(nlog(n))
- ✅ Kahns Topological Sort - O(n + m)
- ✅ Bellman-Ford Shortest Path - O(mn)
- 🔺 Floyd-Warshall Shortest Path - O(n3)
- ✅ Dijkstra Shortest Path - Naive implementation
- ✅ Dijkstra Shortest Path - O(mlog(n)) - Heap implementation
- 🔺 Karger's Minimum cut
- 🔺 Prim's Algorithm - O(mn) Naive implementation
- ✅ Prim's Algorithm - O(mlog(n)) Heap implementation
- 🔺 Kruskal's Algorithm - O(mn) implementation
- ✅ Kruskal's Algorithm - O(mlog(n))
- ✅ Breadth First Search - O(n + m) - Queue Implementation
- ✅ Depth First Search - O(n + m) - Stack Implementation
- ✅ Depth First Search - O(n + m) - Recursive Implementation
- 🔺 Karatsuba Multiplication - O(n1.585)
- ✅ Intersection of two sets - O(nlog(n)) + O(mlog(m))
- ✅ Union of two sets - O(nlog(n)) + O(mlog(m))
- 🔺 Pollard p-1 factorization
- 🔺 Euclidean Algorithm - O(log(n))
- 🔺 Extended Euclidean Algorithm - O(log(n))
- 🔺 Sieve of Eratosthenes - O(nlog(log(n)))
- 🔺 Prime factorization - O(sqrt(n))
- ✅ Ceasar Cipher
- 🔺 Hill Cipher
- 🔺 Vigenere Cipher*
- 🔺 One time pad
- 🔺 RSA-Algorithm
- 🔺 Bisection Method
- 🔺 (simple) Fixpoint iteration
- ✅ Maintaining Median - O(nlog(n))
- 🔺 Huffman Algorithm
- ✅ 🎥Interval Scheduling - O(nlog(n))
- ✅ Binary Search - O(log(n))
- ✅ Bubble sort - O(n2)
- 🔺 Hope sort - O(1), hopefully
- ✅ Insertion sort - O(n2)
- ✅ Selection sort - O(n2)
- ✅ Merge sort - O(nlog(n))
- ✅ Randomized Quick sort - Average O(nlogn) (Input independent!)
- ✅ Quick sort - Average O(nlog(n))
I appreciate feedback on potential improvements and/or if you see an error that I've made! Also if you would like to contribute then do a pull request with algorithm & tests! :)