
A checklist to help developers of modelling software assess and communicate their level of confidence in the software implementation and its readiness to yield trustworthy results.


A checklist developed by Research Software Engineers in the Scottish Covid-19 Response Consortium and used to assess the software engineering aspects of "model readiness" for its six epidemiological models adapted/developed under the Royal Society's Rapid Assistance with Modelling the Pandemic (RAMP) scheme. This is intended to be part of a broader framework to evaluate and describe suitability of model results to be used in policy and decision making so this checklist covers only the software implementation and assumes that other documents cover questions about model validation, quality of science, data provenance and quality and policy readiness.

Only a few points within the checklist are specific to the work of the SCRC collaboration, or to epidemiology, so the checklist could be readily adopted to modelling or analysis software in other domains. We welcome dialogue and suggestions for improvement via Github issues on this repository.

Similarly, a few of the questions as currently worded are applicable only to modelling/analysis software that produces scientific results. These questions have been marked as "models only" and have an N/A response option, allowing the checklist to be used to record an assessment of readiness of other types of software.

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