A C++ implementation of the Focused Ant Colony Optimization (FACO) for solving large TSP instances as described in the paper:
R. Skinderowicz,
Improving Ant Colony Optimization efficiency for solving large TSP instances,
Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 108653, ISSN 1568-4946,
Application requires a C++ compiler with C++17 support, although only GNU g++ in version 9.3.0 has been tested.
To compile enter:
If successful, new file named faco
will contain the compiled program.
By default, the optimized (release) version of the program is created. This can be changed in Makefile so that a debug version is created.
By default only a path to the TSP instance is required, e.g.
./faco -p instances/d15112.tsp
This will run the program in parallel using default number of threads which is, typically, equal to the number of CPU cores x 2.
Sample output:
Loading TSP instance from file:instances/d15112.tsp
NAME : d15112
COMMENT : Deutschland-Problem (A.Rohe)
nn and backup lists calc time: 1.03635
Starting execution: 0
started_at: 2022-02-26T13:00:33.514950024
initial solutions build time: 0.292985
initial sol cost: 1.63465e+06
best sol cost: [64, 1.0s] 1620422 (3.01%)
best sol cost: [133, 2.0s] 1612069 (2.48%)
... omitted for brevity ...
best sol cost: [4883, 73.9s] 1580506 (0.47%)
pher_deposition_time: 3.56592
sol cost stdev recorded every ith iter: 20
sol cost mean recorded every ith iter: 20
mean percent of select next node calls recorded every ith iter: 20
execution time: 75.9139
finished_at: 2022-02-26T13:01:49.428943413
final cost: 1.58046e+06
final error: 0.468951
trial time: 75.914
Route image saved to d15112.svg in 0.0153148 seconds
trial mean cost: 1.58046e+06
trial mean error: 0.468951
trial min cost: 1580461
trial min error: 0.468951
trial max cost: 1580461
trial max error: 0.468951
Saving results to: results/faco-d15112_2022-02-26--13_01_49.json
- As the last line of the output suggests, the computation logs are written to
a JSON file created in
subfolder. - Additionally, a SVG file with visualization of the best (final) route is also
created in
folder. - More information about program parameters can be obtained with:
./faco -h
contains costs (tour lengths) of the best known solutions for
problems from the TSPLIB repository, and some others. The values were collected
from sources referenced in the paper. In case of a new instance, the
corresponding entry can be easily added to the file so that the program can
print information about relative error of the current best solution.
Solving large TSP instances is very time consuming, so it may be a good idea to limit the number of ants used and possibly increase the number of iterations, e.g.
./faco -p instances/mona-lisa100K.tsp --ants 512 -i 10000