
Examples of programms written in Amos Pro 2.x for the Amiga computers

Coding the Amiga computer in Amos Pro 2.x

This repository contains a set of code written in Amos Pro for tutorial purposes.

Amos Pro is a powerful BASIC language specific to the AMIGA computer range. Amos is an extensible language and some extensions have become a de facto standard. You can download a version of Amos 2.x with AMCAF and Amos Turbo extensions here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/nch9p4fj59lw4k4/AMOSPro_Community_2020_1.adf?dl=0 All the code examples in the repository assume that these two extensions are installed.

Unless otherwise stated, the repository programs are written for a (almost) vanilla Amga 500 with 512KB of chip memory and 512KB of memory.

Amos programs are not in plain text : they can contain data sets called "Amos banks". A program in Amos format (.amos extension) and a full text version without any banks (.amo extension) will be provided for each example. If graphic or sound data are required, they are contained in a subdirectory called "assets".