The following is based on :
I hate installing stuff locally, So I creted a docker runtime for this.
This creates the cluster - I changed the region to something closer
eksctl create cluster --region us-east-1 --instance-types t3.medium --name traefik-eks-test
List nodes:
kubectl get nodes
Prepare for trafeik
helm repo add traefik
helm repo update
Install trafeik
helm install traefik traefik/traefik --create-namespace --namespace=traefik --values=values.yaml
Verify pods:
kubectl get pods -n traefik
Create access to the dashboard :
kubectl apply -f middleware.yaml
kubectl apply -f ingress-route.yaml
kubectl apply -f secret.yaml
Verify the dashboard service is running:
kubectl get service -n traefik
Test using :
curl -u test:password
Deploy whoami:
kubectl apply -f whoami.yaml
Create the WhoAmI ingress:
kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml
Test it:
curl -u test:password
This will tear everything down at the end:
eksctl delete cluster --region us-east-1 traefik-eks-test
openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048
openssl req -x509
-new -nodes
-days 365
-key ca.key
-out ca.crt
-subj "/"
kubectl create secret tls -n traefic my-tls-secret
--key ca.key
--cert ca.crt
kubectl get secrets/my-tls-secret
When reading for the CRD :
There is the mention :
If you want to keep using Traefik Proxy, high availability for Let's Encrypt can be achieved by using a Certificate Controller such as Cert-Manager. When using Cert-Manager to manage certificates, it creates secrets in your namespaces that can be referenced as TLS secrets in your ingress objects. When using the Traefik Kubernetes CRD Provider, unfortunately Cert-Manager cannot yet interface directly with the CRDs. A workaround is to enable the Kubernetes Ingress provider to allow Cert-Manager to create ingress objects to complete the challenges. Please note that this still requires manual intervention to create the certificates through Cert-Manager, but once the certificates are created, Cert-Manager keeps them renewed.
So we should be using the K8s ingress, linked here :
A few more things :
redirectTo: websecure
Using routes