eperdeme opened this issue · 8 comments
Am I doing something wrong, or does GetPlanetByCoord not return any data ?
Really basic but;
mp := bot.GetPlanets()
p, err := bot.GetPlanetByCoord(ogame.Coordinate{Galaxy: int(1), System: int(207), Position: int(10)})
"fmt.Println(mp)" outputs my planets, so it's logged in and targetting the right universe, but the "fmt.Println(p)" outputs the below.
{ 0 0 [0:0:0:0] {0 0} {0 0} }
But a planet exists in 1,207,10 in the galaxy.
I also tried the HTTP services and that also seems to find no planets but other functions work fine.
Ah, it all started from;
curl -v
Adding debug to the services I see;
{1 120 [ 0xc00035e210 0xc00035e2c0 0xc0001ec000 0xc0001ec0b0 0xc0001ec160 0xc0001ec210 0xc0001ec2c0 ]}
So I guess it's the services not returning things correctly as it finds galaxy-infos, I'll er go see if I can debug it.
Oh, interesting, I'll give a look
I'm curious what version of ogamed are you using ? and server language ?
ogamed -v
master branch, compiled it myself to try and debug it.
➜ ogamed git:(master) ✗ ./main -v
ogamed version 0.0.0
Also just tried the binary edition;
➜ ogamed git:(master) ✗ ./ogamed --version
ogamed version 7.2.6
➜ ogamed git:(master) ✗ curl -v
- Trying
- Connected to ( port 8080 (#0)
GET /bot/galaxy-infos/1/200 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.49.0
Accept: /
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
< Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2018 14:51:07 GMT
< Content-Length: 51
- Connection #0 to host left intact
Other stuff works;
➜ ogamed git:(master) ✗ curl
Tried several random versions, seems to work on ogamed_1.2.10_darwin_amd64 and did not work on ogamed_2.0.1_darwin_amd64+++ so something between them editions.
Looks good to me. Thank you for your help.