
Golang Turntable.fm api

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Turntable API

Join us on Discord https://discord.gg/4AA2DqWpVc

A simple go wrapper for the turntable API.
You'll need to find your AUTH, USERID and ROOMID information with this bookmarklet.


go get github.com/alaingilbert/ttapi


Chat bot

This bot responds to anybody who writes "/hello" in the chat.

package main

import (

func main() {
    auth := os.Getenv("TTAPI_AUTH")
    userID := os.Getenv("TTAPI_USER_ID")
    roomID := os.Getenv("TTAPI_ROOM_ID")
    bot := ttapi.NewBot(auth, userID, roomID)
    bot.OnSpeak(func(evt ttapi.SpeakEvt) {
        if evt.Text == "/hello" {
            _ = bot.Speakf("Hey! How are you @%s ?", evt.Name)

More examples here -> https://github.com/alaingilbert/ttapi/tree/master/examples


Add the following line in your main function


That will print on the terminal all the data that you get and all the data that you send.