
fast git config switcher for pair-programming-friendly sessions.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

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For Git-friendly Pair-Programming sessions.
Sign your commits with your pair 2-part name and email : andy_john / andy_john@acme.com
When you're done, restore your local git config in a snap.

Quick Usage :

	$ ppgit john andy
	$ ppgit clear
	$ ppgit info

	$ ppgit john andy andy_john@acme.com

	$ ppgit ara nva  --email_root base+*@acme.com    # ==>  user.email  =  base+ara_nva@acme.com
    $ ppgit ara nva  --names_separator _and_         # ==>  user.name   =  ara_and_nva  (default = '+')

remark : 'ppgit' is a synonym of 'git pp' => you can write

	$ git pp john andy
	$ git pp clear

Usage :

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1 - When the pairing session starts, quickly set user.name and user.email to the pair values :

	$ ppgit john andy  andy_john@mycompany.com

=> this will update the .git/config of your project to

		name = andy+john
		email = andy_john@mycompany.com
		name = Your Name
		email = your_email@address.com

2 - When the session is finished, restore .git/config to your original local values :

	$ ppgit clear

=> will restore your .git/config to :

		name = Your Name
		email = your_email@address.com

3 - TIP : create unique email addresses for each pair based on a common address pattern

	$ ppgit --email_root   base+*@acme.com

=> you can use the short syntax :

	$ ppgit bob al
	$ ppgit dan cid

are now equivalent to :

	$ ppgit bob al   base+al_bob@acme.com
	$ ppgit dan cid  base+cid_dan@acme.com

This info is stored in ~/.gitconfig => it works for all your projects.

Tip : use 1 gmail address + n aliases, so you can choose 1 unique gravatar for each pair (see 1st illustration above) :

    # 1: create the gmail address :
    #         mycompany@gmail.com

    # 2: use it as a base for your PP pairs :
	$ ppgit --email_root   mycompany+*@gmail.com

    # 3: on gravatar.com, upload and associate an avatar/pair-mugshot with each pair email address.
	# ex: upload 1 image for mycompany+ann_bob@gmail.com
	#     upload 1 image for mycompany+bob_cid@gmail.com
	#     upload 1 image for mycompany+ann_cid@gmail.com

=> you'll get mycompany+ann_bob@gmail.com mycompany+bob_cid@gmail.com etc.. for free, and each can have a unique gravatar.

Installation :

	$ gem install ppgit

Update :

You are warned when a new version is available :

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== Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2010 Alain Ravet. See LICENSE for details. ·