
A easy to use tmux configuration with basic mouse and system clipboard. This configuration aims to simplify the navigation between sessions, windows, and panes, creation of workspaces, and copy-pasting with OS integration. It tries to do this all minimally.

Table of Contents

  • Requirements
  • Installation
  • Key Bindings
  • Recommendations


tmux version 2.9a or above

You will need to have the following items installed on your system before making use of this configuration.

  • A program to interact with the system clipboard:

    • Linux: install xsel
    apt-get install xsel --no-install-recommends
    • macOS: pbcopy



To enable support for the meta key and shift modifer in Terminal.app, you will need to do the following.

  1. Enable Meta key and scroll support
    1. Open Terminal.app.
    2. Select Terminal > Preferences from the menu bar.
    3. Select the Profiles tab from the preferences window.
    4. In the pane on the left, select the profile marked with the text "Default" under the profile name.
    5. Select the Keyboard tab in the from the
    6. Enable the following options from the bottom of the <>:
      • Use Option as Meta key
      • Scroll alternate screen
  2. Add correct keycodes for Shift modifiers.
    1. Select the +.

Key Bindings

Prefix Keys

C-a: enter command mode.

C-s: enter copy mode.

Session Management

<prefix> d: detatch from session.

<prefix> s: list all sessions. Can also select a session to connect to by navigating with the arrow keys and selecting with enter.

<prefix> (: previous session <prefix> ): next session

Window/Pane Management


Use Caps Lock as Control
