
Because sometimes I just need an OpenSSL wrapper for Perl that can be fatpacked.

This module is still under development.


$ cpanm Tiny::OpenSSL


Ensure the openssl command is in your $PATH.

use Tiny::OpenSSL::Key;
use Tiny::OpenSSL::Subject;
use Tiny::OpenSSL::CertificateSigningRequest;

my $key = Tiny::OpenSSL::Key->new(
    file     => 'ca.key',
    password => 'foo',
    bits     => 4096


my $subject = Tiny::OpenSSL::Subject->new(
    commonname          => 'My Certificate',
    organizational_unit => 'Example Company',
    organization        => 'Example Department',
    locality            => 'Austin',
    state               => 'TX',
    country             => 'US'

my $csr = Tiny::OpenSSL::CertificateSigningRequest->new(
    file    => 'mycert.csr',
    key     => $key,
    subject => $subject


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