
SilenceCutter is a Python application that automatically detects and removes silent parts from video files, allowing you to create smoother and more seamless videos.


  • Silence Detection: Detects silent sections in videos.
  • Silence Removal: Removes silent parts to make videos smoother.
  • Merges Close Segments: Combines non-silent segments that are close to each other.
  • Smooth Transitions: Adds padding durations to the beginning and end of segments for smoother cuts.
  • User-Friendly: Simple and easy to use.


  • Python 3.x
  • moviepy
  • pydub


pip install silencecutpy


silencecutpy --input project/silencecut-py/example_input.mp4 --output output.mp4


  • --input: Input video file
  • --output: Output video file
  • --silence_threshold: Silence threshold value (default: -30)
  • --min_silence_length: Minimum silence duration (default: 350)
  • --padding_duration: Transition duration (default: 100)
  • --max_gap: Maximum segment gap to be merged (default: 100)
  • --temp_dir: Directory where temporary files will be saved
  • --verbose: Show detailed outputs